The Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership Logo
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About Us

"Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation."
Susan B. Anthony

We are inspired by Susan B. Anthony's vision and passion. We celebrate women's achievements at the University of Rochester and in the world. We work to understand and overcome barriers to women's wider leadership.


Nora Bredes, Director

Since coming to Rochester and the Anthony Center in 1999, Nora has worked to apply her experience as a legislator and activist to the Center's mission.

Nora served as a Suffolk County (NY) legislator from 1992-1998. She sponsored New York's most comprehensive local anti-tobacco measures, improved protections for victims of domestic violence, and spearheaded a bi-partisan effort to secure a $62 million fund to preserve Suffolk's open space and farmlands.

Before becoming a legislator, Nora directed the NY League of Conservation Voters and, from 1980-1989, led the Shoreham Opponents Coalition in a successful effort to prevent operation of LI's Shoreham Nuclear Plant. Her awards and honors include NYS Environmentalist of the Year (1986, Environmental Advocates); Champion for Public Health (1995/1998, American Cancer Society); Environmentalist of the Year (1994, LI Sierra Club); and National Grassroots Hero (1990, Mother Jones Magazine).

Nora teaches Women in Politics (pdf) in the fall semester. She often speaks to organizations throughout the region about the status of women in government; the barriers to women's election; and, what could change if women became a "critical mass" of political leaders. Presentations include Women in Power: Do We Make a Difference? and a lecture and discussion, You are Susan B. Anthony: How an Old Maid Lives On.

To schedule presentation or lecture, contact the Center: 585/275-8799 or e-mail,


Kim Karim Salvaggio, Program Coordinator

Kim brings more than 12 years experience in marketing and communications to the Anthony Center. She is Vice-President and Marketing Consultant on the Executive Board of Directors of the Wilson/West Alliance, Inc. Kim is a graduate of St. John Fisher College and is currently completing her MS in Management at Nazareth College.



Mimi Freund Tilton, Development Consultant

Mimi joined the Anthony Center in 2005 after more than thirty years in real estate development and marketing. A life-long Rochester resident, she has served on the boards of numerous not-for-profit organizations. She is a current board member of Al Sigl Center, Sojourner Development Corporation, Horizons at Harley, and the American Red Cross. Tilton is a graduate of Skidmore College and lives in the City of Rochester with her husband and two sons.