The Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership Logo
About Us
Events and Programs
100 Years
Legacy Dinner
Legacy Race
Women Leading Local Governments
The Power of Women's Friendship
Stanton/Anthony Conversations
Support ACWL
Suffrage History

Events and Programs

On-going initiatives include:

Toast with us at the Susan B. Anthony Legacy Dinner in February
A 60-year tradition at the University of Rochester to celebrate Susan B. Anthony's birthday and pay tribute to her efforts to win women admission to the University. The Susan B. Anthony Scholarship and Prize, the Fannie Bigelow Prize, the Jane Plitt Award, the Simon Association of Women MBAs Leadership Scholarship and the Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award are presented at the Dinner.

Celebrate the Power of Women's Friendship in May
A Gala & Silent Auction to benefit the Anthony Center. The Stand By Me Award is presented to two women whose friendship best exemplifies the way Stanton and Anthony inspired each other to change the world.

Join in the Susan B. Anthony Legacy Race in September
A 5K Race for Women's Progress: Walk or run from the Susan B. Anthony House to the University of Rochester and re-trace Anthony's famous steps as she ran to collect pledges from Rochester citizens and present them by deadline to the University trustees. Her effort won women admission to UR on September 8, 1900.

Talk with us at the Stanton/Anthony Conversations in October
Join wise, accomplished women as they meet in Rochester over Meliora Weekend to talk about equal rights, women's lives and the promise of women's leadership.

Learn with elected leaders at Women Leading Local Governments every other November
A biennial policy summit for women elected to New York's county and city governments that connects elected women to each other and to public policy experts.