Celebrating Leading Women
"The modern girl sees the dawn of a new day. Women at the editor's desk, women teaching in college, women healing the sick, women practicing in the courts, women preaching from the pulpit and lecturing from the platform—call them new women or what you please—they are the women the world welcomes today."
Susan B. Anthony, 1905
The Anthony Center's awards honor leading women at the University of Rochester and in the wider world.
The Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award
Each year since 1997, the Anthony Center has honored a University of Rochester woman with its Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominees are faculty, staff, trustees and/or alumnae who have achieved significant professional stature and influence; have compiled a commendable, trailblazing body of work; and, have used their experience and skills to help other women advance as leaders. Nominees should also have a strong affiliation with the University of Rochester and a "lifetime" of significant achievements.
Award Winners:
Jean Watkeys, M.D., one of the first three women at UR Medical School
Ruth Lawrence, M.D., renowned neonatologist
Myra Gelband, senior editor at Sports Illustrated
Paula Brownlee, Ph.D., first woman president of the Association of American Colleges & Universities
Barbara Hotham Iglewski, Ph.D., professor and first woman chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the UR School of Medicine and Dentistry
Elizabeth McAnarney, M.D. chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Pediatrician-in-Chief of the Children's Hospital at Strong.
Judith Pipher, Ph.D., professor of astronomy, internationally known for her infrared detector technology
Patricia Herminghouse, Ph.D., Emerita of German, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Rochester
Jean Barr, DMA, Professor of Piano Accompanying & Chamber Music at the Eastman School of Music
Brenda Meehan, Ph.D., founding member of the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies and trailblazing historian
Esther Conwell, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Physics, named by Discover Magazine as one of the 50 Most Important Women in Science, 2002
The Susan B. Anthony Legacy Award
The Legacy Award honors a woman whose work and spirit exemplify Susan B. Anthony's perseverance, creative energy and commitment to equality between women and men, for the benefit of all.
Donna De Varona
Doris Kearns Goodwin
The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
100 Years of Educating Women at the University of Rochester
In 2000, to help commemorate the 100th anniversary of women's admission to the University of Rochester, the University honored ten women, one for each decade of co-education:
Susan B. Anthony Sesquicentennial Honorees
*Mary Frances Smith Edgerly '05 PhB
Miss Edgerly was one of the first four women to receive a science degree (awarded to women only as a PhB). She was among the first women graduates of the University and a protégé of Susan B. Anthony. A non-traditional woman in many respects, she had a passion for mathematics and sports, ran a successful lumber business, and advocated for social change throughout her long life.
*Norma B. (Storey) Spinning '18 (BA)
Miss Spinning combined commitment to the advancement of women with a successful teaching career in Rochester. She served on the University Board of Trustees from 1960-1966, and held leadership positions in the ASUW, League of Women Voters, and the Women's Community Civic Association.
*Helen W. (Foulkes) Sykes '20 (BA)
Extremely active volunteer who worked tirelessly in service to the Rochester community, Ms. Sykes served on the board of Highland Hospital. She also helped to lead the American Red Cross, the Girl Scouts of America, the League of Women Voters, and the Memorial Art Gallery. 1930
*Mary Steichen Calderone '39M (MD)
Dr. Calderone pioneered sex education in America. She also researched and wrote extensively in the field of human sexuality and is a member of the National Women's Hall of Fame.
*Virginia Dwyer, Ph.D. '43
Dr. Dwyer was once described as "the most courted woman on Wall Street." During her 43-year career at AT&T, she influenced key financial decisions and, as senior vice president for finance, was the highest ranked female executive in the U.S.
Florence Cawthorne Ladd '58 (PhD)
As a noted psychologist, teacher and director of the Bunting Institute at Harvard's Radcliffe College, Dr. Ladd has been a powerful spokesperson on crucial issues such as gender and racial equality. Ý
Lynn McCracken Daucher '68
Ms. Duacher represents the 72nd Assembly District in Orange County, California. She has enjoyed a long and distinguished career in government and public service, serving as a member of the City Council and the School Board of Brea, California, and as its mayor from 1997-1998.
Ilene Busch-Vishniac '76
Professor Busch-Vishniac is a dynamic and energetic leader with a strong research and academic background. She is Dean of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, a rank in engineering position shared by only nine other women in the country.
Siobhan Marie Mullen '83
Dr. Mullen holds a degree in applied mathematics and is described by colleagues as a "super achiever." She worked with NASA and Honeywell as an astrophysicist and is currently president of AKJUIT Aerospace, where she manages Spaceport Canada, a $250 million satellite development project.
Beth Olearczyk '94
Ms. Olearczyk received a B.A. in Women's Studies and was awarded several undergraduate fellowships to support her feminist research in English and history. After graduation, she worked as a public policy advocate for child welfare and is now a medical student at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. |