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2002 Susan B. Anthony Legacy Dinner

February 7, 2002

"When will men learn that what we ask is not praise, but justice?"
Susan B. Anthony, commenting on a tribute paid to her by President Theodore Roosevelt on her 86th birthday, February 15, 1906
Photograph Courtesy of the Rush Rhees Library, Rare Books Collection

The 2002 Susan B. Anthony Legacy Dinner: A Celebration of Women's Rights is scheduled for Thursday, Feburary 7, at 6:00 PM in the May Room of Wilson Commons, located on the University of Rochester campus. The dinner is an annual celebration of the achievements of women in the University of Rochester community and is sponsored by the UR Women's Club and the Anthony Center.


The Evening's Program

Speakers: Alice L. Conklin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, on Women's Rights; Lindsey Bickers, '02, on the University's First Women

Presentations by the UR Women's Club and the Anthony Center of the Susan B. Anthony Scholarship, the Susan B. Anthony Prize, the Fannie Bigelow Prize, and the Jane Plitt Award Presentation of the Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award to Judith L. Pipher, Ph.D., Professor of Astronomy, University of Rochester

The evening will close with Songs to Celebrate Women's Rights by Vocal Point.


This year's award recipients are:

2002 Lifetime Achievement Award: Judith Pipher, Ph.D.
Judith Pipher, Ph.D., is the 2002 recipient of the Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Pipher, professor of astronomy, has been a member of the University of Rochester faculty since 1971. She is internationally known for her work developing infrared detector technology and for her numerous publications on star and galaxy formation.

With her UR colleague Bill Forrest, she has led the development of InSb DRO arrays. Her group has guided the progress in this field all the way from the first low-performance 32x32 arrays to today's essentially perfect, 1024x1024 variety. Their work resulted in half of the detectors in the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the upcoming new NASA "great observatory," the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), due to be launched in December 2002. The astronomical fruits of Dr. Pipher's labor are evident in some 150 publications on star formation, the structure and evolution of dusty galaxies, and the nuclei of galaxies, including the center of our own Milky Way, and active or "starburst" galactic nuclei.

Because of her success in leadership of these efforts, Dr. Pipher has been much in demand for other scientific leadership roles at the national and international level. She has chaired or otherwise served on a large number of the national committees that determine the course of funding in astrophysics, for NASA and NSF. At present she serves as chair of the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Science Council.

Dr. Pipher received her B.Sc. from the University of Toronto (1962). In 1971, she earned her Ph.D. from Cornell University. Beginning In 1971, she served as an instructor at the University of Rochester. She became Assistant Professor of Astronomy in 1972 and Associate Professor in 1977. In 1983, she was appointed Professor of Astronomy.


Student Award Recipients

Huyen Luong
Lana Knox

2002 Susan B. Anthony Scholarships:
Lana Knox ('03) and Huyen Luong ('03)





Elizabeth Reisinger

2002 Susan B. Anthony Prize:
Elizabeth Reisinger (Take Five)






LaFleur Stephens
Leah Siepel

2002 Fannie Bigelow Prizes:
Leah Siepel (Take Five) and LaFleur Stephens ('02)






Beth Manbeck

2002 Jane R. Plitt Award:
Beth Manbeck ('02)







Special Thanks to those who made the event possible:

The Legacy Dinner enjoyed the support of:
Legacy Dinner Committee: Anne-Marie Algier, Zoe Horowicz, Mary Kelley, Connie Klein, Maxine Simon, Annette Weld

Women's Scholarship Committee: Anne-Marie Algier, Elaine Andolina, Awista Ayub (student member), Nora Bredes, Lisa Cartwright, Brian Cool, Thomas Crews, Barbara Hartwig, Linda Muise, Burton Nadler, Ken Rockensies, Daniel Watts, Annette Weld