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2002 Legacy Race


The Third Annual Susan B. Anthony Legacy Race
A 5k Run/Walk for Women's Progress

Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 10am


Race Information:

This 5k walk/run hopes to make Anthony's heroism real to women and men today. The course is flat and accurate, beginning at the Susan B. Anthony House, 17 Madison Street, and ending at the University of Rochester's Interfaith Chapel on Wilson Blvd. Parking and registration will be at the University of Rochester. Buses will transport walkers and runners to the Susan B. Anthony House for the start of the race.

Proceeds from the race benefit ongoing educational programs at the Anthony Center for Women's Leadership and the Susan B. Anthony House.

The race is sponsored by: NBC News 10, Montana Mills, Wegmans, Blair Design Studio, Broccolo Tree & Lawn Care, Gutenberg Books, Greater Rochester Association for Women Attorneys, Plunkett's Fabulous Foods, The Distillery, and Runner's World Magazine


The Route

From outside Susan B. Anthony's front porch at 17 Madison Street, to West Main Street (Route #33), to Ford Street, to the Ford Street Bridge, to Wilson Boulevard, to Faculty Road, to Fraternity Road, to Wilson Boulevard at the Interfaith Chapel.


The Prizes

Race Prizes will be awarded to:
1st place man and woman
top men and women by age groups: 17 and under; 18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; and 60 and over
Special Prizes for the fastest pairs in the special categories of Teacher/Student, Coach/Athlete, and Aunt/Niece.


Registration and Entry Fees

Registration by mail, online, or on-site.

All race participants will receive a commemorative race t-shirt with pledge total of $25 or more.

Parking is available on the UR Campus in the Library and Intercampus Lots.

Shuttles will take runners and walkers from the registration area to the Susan B. Anthony House. The last shuttle will leave campus at 9:45 am.

Race Day registration from 8:45 am to 9:45 am at the University of Rochester, directly behind the Library, adjacent to the parking area. At the registration area, race packets will be distributed, including numbers and t-shirts.

Finish Line Ceremonies, officiated by NBC News 10's Rebecca Leclair, will be held in front of UR's Strong Auditorium at approximately 10:45 am. All prizes will be awarded at the Finish Line Ceremonies.

Refreshments at race finish.


"Round the Eastman Quadrangle" Fun Run for children 12 and under will take place at 11:00 am on campus.

Early Bird, postmarked by September 16th—$15
From September 17th until Race Day—$18
Students and Senior Citizens—$10


The History:

In 1898, the forty-eight year old University admitted only male students. Anthony decided to take the fight on. She believed women would win equality only if they could learn and compete with men. University trustees would admit women only if Anthony and her fellow Rochester citizens could raise a $50,000 endowment by September 8, 1900.

Two days before the deadline, Anthony returned to Rochester from an extended suffrage campaign to find her committee was still $8,000 short of its goal. Still undaunted at 80 years old, Anthony raced through the City to raise the needed funds in time. She rushed to the Trustees' meeting and, when the men rejected the last $2,000 pledge, Anthony gave her life insurance to win women the right to equal education. Thanks to Susan B. Anthony's remarkable perseverance, women began to attend the University of Rochester 101 years ago this September.

For more information, contact the Anthony Center for Women's Leadership at (716) 275-8799 or by email.


Anthony Center for Women's Leadership, University of Rochester
The Susan B. Anthony House, Rochester, New York