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Online Donation Form
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Make an Online Gift to the Anthony Center

Use the form below to quickly, conveniently, and securely make your online donation to the Anthony Center.

The Information provided on this form will only be used by the University of Rochester Gift Office to process your gift and by the Office of College Advancement for University of Rochester related activities. The information will not be sold to a third party.


* Required fields

Contact Information

Your ID:
(what is this?)
* First Name:
Middle Name:
* Last Name:
Suffix: (Jr., Ph.D, etc.)
Maiden Name: (if applicable)
* Mailing Address Line 1:
Mailing Address Line 2:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Zip Code:
** Phone Number:
** E-mail:

** Please enter one or the other (or both) so that we may have a way to contact you.


Gift Information

Is this a payment on an existing pledge? Yes No
If yes, please enter the Gift ID (if known):
(what is this?)
* I would like to make my online gift by charging my:
* In the amount of: (USD) $ (for example, 1000)
Is this a joint gift with a spouse? yes
Spouse's first name:
Spouse's last name:
* Name as it appears on card:
* Credit card number:
* Expiration date:/
* CSV code:
(what is this?)


Credit card billing address

A billing address is required. If your billing address is different from your mailing address, please make the changes below:
* Billing Address Line 1:
Billing Address Line 2:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Zip Code:
* Country:


Additional comments

Do you have any special instructions for your gift? Use the box below to specify or to make any other additional comments you may have about your gift.

By entering credit card information and pressing "Submit Gift" you authorize the University of Rochester to charge your account the amount entered above.